
Real Angels in Real life

I have an inherent tendency not to believe in angels and things like that. But recently I have met some real angels in my life


My wife was infected with a life-threatening disease – blood cancer: medically diagnosed as Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Or simply as AML.  This happens due to bone marrow malfunction. I am in the habit of chewing or sucking up every tiny bit of marrow in mutton or chicken bones whenever that dainty piece lands up on my platter. In case my teeth fail to crush it I don’t hesitate to look for a hammer for squeezing it out to the last bit. Try next time -- if not a vegetarian -- you are sure to relish it. But the funny thing is that I never knew what the hell the marrow does to the body remaining totally enclosed inside the protective walls of the hard bones. This time around I have learnt: it produces blood cells that circulate around your entire body to keep you in fighting fit. You can imagine now how important it is for our body.


The uncontrolled division of the abnormal cells in the body generally characterizes Cancer of any type. These cells invade the other adjacent tissues by direct growth   or by migration to the distant cells thereby affecting the entire body in due course. For AML, chemotherapy is one of the main options for effective treatment especially at an age above sixty. These are specific drugs administered intravenously in the body meant for attacking and destroying the affected cells. But, in actuality, it destroys all the cells – the bad as well as the good ones -- that come in its way. As a result the normal blood counts such as Hb, TLC and platelets fall drastically rendering the patient highly susceptible to further infection. This needs to be replenished immediately to save the patient; requiring frequent blood transfusion.


She was admitted in the Dharamshilla Cancer Hospital.


Hunting for blood was a formidable task for me. I explored all the possible sources in and around Delhi and procured from different blood banks and other donors despite the hassles involved. But out of all, procuring platelet proved to be the most daunting. In the blood banks only platelet concentrate – obtained by separating from the blood already stored in the bank -- can be available. They are not preferred. So, I needed real donors. Hounding for the right type of donors was the challenging job for me. The reason the donor should have at least 2.5 millions of platelets in their blood: the normal range being 1.5 to 4. The majority do not fulfill this condition. This is required to ensure the donors do not suffer from deficiency after giving blood. One good news is that once a donor is fit for platelets he can donate every week without any harmful effect to his/her body. The body has the natural capacity to replenish it within five days with normal diet. This is not the case with donating blood, which requires about three months to recoup.


During my hunt, in one instance, out of 17 only two were found eligible and on another only one out of twelve. I told the doctor in utter desperation,”I simply give up. It’s not possible for me to collect hundreds of donors.” I was crestfallen and dumfounded not knowing how to find a way out.


At that critical moment a woman approached me; “Uncle, you need blood I am ready to donate.”


 Okay, what’s your name?




 Glancing a look at her I simply said,” When I’ll need next, I’ll contact you.”


In the evening she was at the same spot again enquiring from the sisters about my whereabouts. I gave her our room number.


Next morning she came to our room pleading again for accepting her blood. She was bent upon donating blood.  So far I didn’t have time to ask her, what brought her in the hospital, in the first place. She was there as an attendant to her mother-in-law, admitted in the same hospital, for lung cancer of sort of which the doctors were not sure of, yet. I went to visit her mother-in-law. And had a nice chat. She was proud for the benevolent nature of her daughter-in-law.


The next day, she brought a piece of paper proving her fitness for donating blood, just to convince us. She was so eager to donate. It just happened that, on the same day none of the prospective donors qualified. As the patient’s condition became serious I was compelled to take her platelet. After four days her mother-in-law was shifted to ICU under serious condition. They surrendered the room and all of them were waiting in the lounge, day and night. Under that condition she introduced her husband to me informing his willingness for donating blood. I told them plainly,” Men are selfish by nature and I’m no exception, but I cannot stoop so low to ask him to donate blood for my wife whiles his mother is fighting for her life in the ICU.”


Under such circumstances it’s absolutely fair. They chanted in chorus.


I didn’t agree at first.


When all the five donors couldn’t qualify that day I couldn’t help but take his platelet as well. His sister Padma also was ready to donate. And after three days his mother expired. Just see under what grim condition people are ready to help. There were many. When I called one Warrier, he was in Lucknow. He told me he would be traveling by night train to Delhi. I thought, he was giving an excuse to avoid me. Next morning after reaching Delhi he rushed to the hospital and met me.  Praveen Jain was to fly to the US the next day but didn’t mind to stand the ordeal of giving platelet before going. There were many more coming from Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon. There were cases donating platelet for the second time. Due to their humanitarianism my wife’s life was saved.


It is as if out of the blue the bright angels descended in my life.

The Internet was very helpful for contacting donors. I came to know of it at a later stage.

More By  :  Nalinaksha Mutsuddi

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Comment Thanks a lot. It is because of you only I came to know of

14-Jun-2010 08:59 AM

Comment Dear Mutsuddi, Welcome to boloji - you have arrived here with a bang, this story of the 'milk of human kindness' told so well is very heart warming indeed.

kumud biswas
14-Jun-2010 05:21 AM

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