
Words That Heal

Using these words and phrases can increase your chances for success and happiness:
* I am special
* I feel good about myself
* I work on improving myself
* I keep my commitments
* I radiate confidence
* I have a purpose in life
* I am significant and needed
* I am healthy
* I am loved
* My challenges are my teachers
* I'm willing to learn
* I trust my inner voice
* I'm always in the right place at the right time
* I can solve my challenges
* I believe in my skills and talents
* I can get the job done
* I expect great things to happen in my life
* I am well qualified
* I accept myself the way I am

Positive self-talk and conversations are attractive qualities. can learn to be self-assured and confident instead of egotistical, self-centered.

Positive words and phrases affect your health, reduce stress and create peace of mind. You can attract or repel healthy relationships and opportunties, according to your words.

Life is a mirror. You attract into your life what you radiate, think, say, give and love.

Your positive inlook will shape your outlook in life. If you are optimistic and understand the power of your spoken word, your chances for success and happiness are more likely than for the person who speaks negativity.

More By  :  Dr. Chetan Chopra

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