Mar 27, 2025
Mar 27, 2025
How to share with you the New Slide-Show
Flickr has done some very chic updates but I guess, I'm not updated enough to grasp these updates, hence after trying for "I can't count" the number of times, I've finally given up ;-)
Have better things to do :-)
Please see these Roses I've photographed in our Garden.
48 Pix - you can pick and choose to see some of them or you can see them all and if you are Techie enough to find out how the slide-show works, it will be much faster than clicking individually....
Leaving you to do the Rest.
My English isn't good, still I try to be the Best.
The AC Daily - updated twice daily :-)
A new day means a new chance to be the person you want to be. - Steffi Graf