
Secularism in India

While commenting on Mr Modis remarks that Congress whenever cornered hides behind the burqua of Secularism and thus diverts the attention of the public from the main issue, AICC Gen. Secretary Mr Ajay Maken said that the burqua of Secularism is better than naked Communalism and that while Communalism divides Secu;arism divides. 

It is a known fact that Congress always projects itself as the votary of Secularism and it is the only party under whose rule all people irrespective of their religious faiths or caste or race are safe and their interests are well protected. An analysisi of the Congress leaders' perception of what is Secularism and what is not clarly indicates that any talk about Hinduism or Hindus who are a majority in this country is immediately dubbed as Cpmmima;ostic and drightist, divisive and anarchic. Congress's branc of Secularism is nothing but appeasement of the minority communities.It is ironical that in a country which is predominantly Hindu in nature any talk or reference to Hinduism or anything conncetd with the parties who support Hinduism are dubbed as anit nationals and traitors. Is not the Congress and other political parties who swear by this brand of Secularism guilty of dividing the people on the basis of their religion?   Has not the Congrss divided the country into various communities, relgions and castes with a view of keeping itself in power perpetually? Is this Secularism?  Does Secularism in India mean that people follwing the majority religion have to be treated like second class citizens always bowing to the monrity communities?

If the Congress or for that matter any political party or government under any dispensation is serious about really ushering in Secularism in India let all referance to one's religion, caste and community be totally eliminated in the matter of education, elections, jobs and appointments etc.
This if implemented with all sincerity will certainly usher in a real Secular India. Till such time Secularism in India will remain a myth.

More By  :  Nagesh Chavali

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