Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
All of us commit mistakes. Sometimes one has to pay a heavy price for a mistake committed in terms of losing a loved one, a friend, a job or opportunity in life. Depending upon emotional and/or intellectual level, recovery of some people is fast and they move ahead in life while for some others it takes a heavy toll and they repent for long or even get shattered completely.
If we critically look at it, fundamentally a mistake is a negative attribute. Of course, some people believe that anyone who does not commit mistake also cannot learn anything wise. So for them making mistakes is part of a learning process. Though ever since I started growing I had a feeling that for learning in life you need not essentially commit mistakes. Instead, you can have a lot of learning from others’ experiences and mistakes.
Whatever may be the fact but one thing is for sure that we cannot undo the mistakes of past or consequent effects. Traveling back in time is a fiction or imagination and neither we can not travel back in time to correct our mistakes nor we can relive our past. What we can certainly do is to move ahead with whatever pain or repentance and try to catch or live with the time. Time is, undoubtedly, all powerful and omnipotent, it never stops and never waits for anyone.
One thing we can certainly do (and must do) that we analyze with due sincerity and fairness as to what and where we went really wrong for own learning and to ensure that same mistake is not repeated again. Learning makes us strong, knowledgeable and wise. We can continue to live and make use of our learning for the benefit of others who are in need and vulnerable. You certainly grow wise from mistakes(s) and a timely help or intervention from you could save a tragedy and consequent miseries of others who are in a similar situation or dilemma which you lived in the past and lost.