Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
In day to day life, we encounter with issues that require some amount of consideration, careful thought and planning to resolve. Such issues may relate to our personal life, a larger group of individuals or organisation or society or even of national importance. So also, our involvement with such matters depends on our position in the family, group or organization or in the national perspective.
It is of common experience that any issue or problem, where many stakeholders are involved, keeps on dragging for indefinite period. Reasons are simple; every stakeholder looks at the problem from only their perspective with hardly any consideration for the sensitivities or interests of others. This is what we experience in families, offices, organizations, a society and even at national level at large. We tend to ignore that with conflicting interests, we can not achieve an optimal solution without some kind of compromise or level playing.
We often allow people to handle the situation who do not have any motivation or resolve to work for a solution in a time bound manner. We engage in lengthy discussions, group consultations, exchange of notes and even engaging so called outside experts on heavy premium of time and cost. In an era of consultancy and outsourcing, we find it so easy to escalate things among individuals and institutions to off load ourselves from the burden of work and perhaps accountability and responsibility too. Notewithstanding all this, thing remain open ended for unlimited period despite a lot of efforts and cost.
It is my firm belief that issues can be handled effectively with optimum results if an individual or group attempts it with a complete sense of belonging. It is usually the lack of determination and commitment on the part of people concerned that issues keep on dragging indefinitely without a solution. Even if one person is ready to act responsibly with due determination and commitment, he can make a lot of difference in addressing a problem or issue. What to talk of an issue, in fact, a committed group of such people can even change the course of history itself.