
Good Friday

Once upon a time; well, it was Biblical time when spreading good words caused Jesus's death and gave birth of GOOD FRIDAY. what was the cause of Crucifixion of an INNOCENT MAN? Nothing but spreading lights all over the world, preaching all the moral stuff to people who were seeking peace and soul's comfort! Yes! doing good works can cause of your death, uttering God's words can nail you on a heavy cross, mean people will kill you throw stones at you when you are all good.So, the innocent man with his innocent eyes and a big heart was crucified brutally by some insane men or rather murderers.

What Jesus wished to see? He wished all of us to follow the tough way of life with a simple good heart. But is this that much simple? How many of us follow him? If you are innocent today you are criticized by your friends, relatives and colleagues as well! everyone says it's a stupidity to act like innocent! One good person may also go through the agony and trauma in his life as he pays for his innocent(stupid) acts.We are not crucified but of course we have stress and so much depression of this age. We all know what we pay for our simple mistakes ...what i earlier mentioned as innocent acts. A simple man is born to suffer! he listens from his own house...parents, wife or husband and even from his little kids. Because everyone takes him granted , they know he will not hurt them with his words as he is simple and innocent. so this is the reward of an innocent man; he is cheated almost every sector of life ....and he takes lesson of being good can cause such harm!

Christ symbolizes the innocent Shepherd of those innocent Lambs....but the modern innocent man is categorized as FOOLS! GOOD FRIDAY IS KNOWN FOR JESUS'S DEATH BUT who sees the innocents dying day by day...... 

More By  :  Rinki Gomes

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