Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
You are tri-dimensional. You can from the spirit. Therefore, you are a spirit (spiritual/soul). Your spirit is housed in a body (physical). Your body is animated by the mind (mental). Your 5 senses in the mind interpret your world. The spirit, mind and body are ONE. Each dimension affects the other.
Acknowledging, honoring and tapping into this unified power helps you to release blame, live without judging, give up struggling and joyfully surrender to the Divine Will for your life. Your fears, guilt and anger generates from your mind. Your cravings, desires and obsessions generates from your body. Your values and ambitions genererate from your spirit. When you are conscious of your tri-dimensional self, it helps to diminish confusion and limited living.
For the whole person to be healthy, the mind needs to be developed and free of toxic thoughts. The body has to be nurtured, strengthened and free of toxic foods. The spiritual self has to be developed and have a heightened awareness of its inherent power. If any one of the three bodies are not at their optimal performance, it affect the other levels of performance. If the faith is strong in y our spiritual self, the physical body has a greater chance of healing. If the physical body is dtrong and healthy, it certainly aids the mind (mental body) when faced with a problem or disappointment.
If words of negativity, hatred or hopelessness are spoken from the mental body, it can affect the physical body. If words of faith are spoken from t he spiritual body and the mind (mental body) agrees with the principle, the physical body can overcome fatigue, failure, frustration, or illness more successfully.
You are a walking, talking, thinking, electromagnetic force of energy. You can attract , create, speak, repel and promote conditions in your life. To discover this awareness in your journey. You can abuse, diffuse, misuse or use your personal power. You are more than your looks, status or age. The quality of y our thoughts and your spiritual values are y our real essence. You are what you think (mental). You are what you believe (spiritual). You are what you eat (physical).
Responsibly using your personal power can enhance every area of y our life. There is a differe nce beteen e go-expansion and self-realization.