
Exploring Simple Living

Understanding the concept of simple living is quite simple.

The nature of simple living when explored and experienced is blissful. This exercise promotes discipline toward ethical and guilt-free living.

While rejecting some or most of society’s apparently artificial and exhibiting norms, the adaptation to simple living is plain and instinctively natural.

In simple living the only expression which matters most is the word simple.

The term "simple" describes and defines to give character to the word "living". The latter is vague and empty unless it is preceded by an adjective. For example, we say good living, healthy living, peaceful living and so on.

The word "simple" means: 
easy to understand or deal with;
not elaborate just plain, unmixed, free of deceit;
not decorate, luxurious, grand or sophisticated but modest
lucid, natural, neat, unadulterated,fundamental and sincere.

These attributions form a complete package to help us get into simple living. It is clean, transparent, modest and familiarly real. It is an effort worth striving for.

In our endeavor to dwell in this fascinating environment it is comforting to note that we are already practicing and experiencing simple living in some form or degree at one time or the other. 

It is a natural trait embedded in us the day we are born. And as we age, life becomes more complicated and adulterated. It is infected with “affluenza”. Still the good bug of simple living is within us. 

There are four aspects which attract people to simple living: spirituality, health, environmental or economics. 

Whatever the reason or reasons one picks to lodge into simple living habitat ultimately one gets into all of its aspects and achieves the wholesome goal of contended and peaceful life.

The essence of simple living is the disciplined enjoyment of life while caring for fellow beings and environment. 

Simple and ordinary pleasures of life are the major contributing factors which need more attention and stimulation to experience the joy of simple living. And these personal pleasures provide the initiation to simple living doctrine.

Based on personal choices there are numerous recreational pleasures people are having occasionally or regularly to enjoy the simple living experiences. 

Affluent celebrities, powerful politicians and dictators, millionaires and billionaires beside their wealth and status, in their private lives do indulge in simple pleasures. Casual dressing up in their jeans or working in their mansion gardens are signs of basic simple traits which people have in common despite their disparities.

However, simple living demands more than simple pleasures. It is the change of attitude, change of lifestyle in harmony with consciousness. 

The life which is outwardly rich and inwardly poor has to be significantly reversed to get the feel of simple living. The intent is an awakening straight from the heart.

The most popular form of simple living is to comfortably and “voluntarily” adjusting life to basic minimum needs. Seeking or possessing more is pure wastage and ego pleasing.  

"Wealth consists of not having great possessions, but in having few wants”. And the “shortcut to riches is to subtract from one’s desires”.

Getting away from the consumerist mentality and reducing needs for purchased goods are the entry points for simple living. How far an individual goes into this domain is a matter of practicality. 

In our social and cultural environment to live in an abstract bare-minimum-materialistic world seems to be not possible. Moreover, extreme frugal living is damaging to economy, though good for the environment.

Simple living is a substitute for people in the upper and middle classes, while the poor in society all crave for some upgrading. And for that reason enough economic activity has to be maintained to bring along these unfortunate people to the minimum standards.

Living with minimum basic materialistic needs is the hallmark of simple living. But its pillars of strength are conscious living with sincerity, honesty, humbleness and compassion.

One can simply explore and practice one’s own ever evolving guidelines of simple living, and enjoy every moment of it here after.

More By  :  Promod Puri

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Comment Nice thoughts Promod! I am reminded of Gurudev Tagore's quote "It is simple to be happy, but difficult to be simple".. The statement itself, however, is simple. The meaning is, I feel, very profound. .. raghavan

25-Jul-2014 22:18 PM

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