Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Independence Day
It is a going to be proud day as we celebrate Independence day in this week. Our erstwhile rulers have been proved wrong- the famous Mr Churchill having doubted that a free India would have rule of law . No doubt our country has had trying times. May be things are not at its best.
We need to preserve our independence at all cost. Threats- external and internal must be tackled.
The present BJP Government has a clear mandate and they also have a reservoir of talented people. The author attempts to highlight some issues which need immediate attention.
Redefining Official Protocol
A new protocol notification has been issued by the President's office which calls for doing away with colonial adjectives like His/Her Excellency while addressing governors. This is a very significant move. Any one drawing salary from public funds is not royal.
Readers may recall that in seventies a job application would begin – “I beg to submit…..”. This was suited for the colonial masters. Thankfully this practise is stopped.
We may have taken 67 years to do the above, but it is good realization.
Even today we begin a letter or address our superior with-‘Sir”. We don’t check whether the gentleman in question has been knighted by the British Empire ! In rest of the world they address- Mr or Ms…. .
More of such efforts to free us of our colonial baggage is required.
Setting Ethical Standards
The recent case of arrest of Syndicate Bank Chairman Mr S K Jain in a Rs 50 Lakh bribery case is making news. Mr Neeraj Singhal, Vice Chairman of Bhushan Steel partner in crime of Mr Jain is absconding – applying for anticipatory bail.
Here it may be pertinent to point out that Syndicate Bank has NPA’s to the tune of Rs 3000 crores.
Some have opined that public sector CEO’s resort to such practise since they have to buy their appointment. But what about the private sector honchos ? Greed is the common thread.
It is a open secret that a simple policeman buys his job. Subsequently he learns the ropes of buying lucrative posting. Then what can we expect of him ? Similarly a Army Jawan may be lacking in patriotism for similar reason with disastrous consequnces.
While deterrent punishment may appear to be a logical way out, let us delve deeper. Today the likes of Mr S K Jain, Mr Neeraj Sighal, Mr Subrata Roy (of Sahara) must be wondering – what went wrong ? People begin with small steps. Some are adept in taking and their mirror image is the one who is expert in “managing” a difficult situation. Their confidence grows and with time and so does the scale of operation.
Ethical standards need to be ingrained in children by family elders. Elders need to set example. Instead parents spend a lot of energy in preparing children to go to best of the schools. So we have situation where a innocent mind (not groomed in ethics), say, does his parents proud by going to best of the institutes – subsequently rising to high / powerful position. He believes in-
· Boss is always right
· End justifies the means
· Gandhi’s thoughts are outdated
· Everyone and everything has a price
The path which such a person would tread and where it leads to- I leave it to the imagination of the readers.
Chances are high that the parents of such citizens may find themselves uncared for and may land in Old Age Homes.
Rebuilding the Economy
After the last elections we have heard a lot about opening of mines, connecting rivers to spur the economy. One needs to ask- is it going to generate even more of NPA’s of Banks ? Are we planning to pass on insurmountable problems to our next generation ?
Why don’t we also talk and implement steps to enhance ethical standards for nation building. In the past we have forgiven Dacoits to improve law and order, Income Tax evaders (amnesty schemes) to improve the economy.
So why not chase something called Character Building – which some may call striving for utopia. After all we want the leadership of our nation in future to be in safe hands.
My one suggestion- compulsory conscription in the Defence Service for all able bodied citizens.
Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s team need to think regarding above.
The challenge before Team Modi is immense. So is the opportunity.
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Sharmaji, compulsory conscription has been debated in several other countries too. Those who feel otherwise are required to do a social service stint. The purpose of my suggestion was to have a formal equal ground for all citizens to learn values of discipline. As suggested by you, a Good Cop training might also achieve the same result. |
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Navin I agree with most of the points you have raised but I don't agree with the idea of compulsory conscription into Defence Services. That's not democracy. There are other ways for character building and raising ethical standards. The very purpose of having armed forces in a country is to kill. Nothing can justify killing of people by the people. We can have a Good Cop training for everybody instead which teaches us to live a quality life by restraining people from doing things which are detrimental to humanity. |