Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Imagine the ludicrous nature of the proposal to decorate Netaji with a Bharat Ratna. Gandhi and Netaji made cuts above any Indian to even think of decorating them with any official conferment. Who wants to see Sachin Tendulkar and Netaji getting the same decoration? Just imagine the sanity of our political pundits who do not coronate Kurien and Sreedharan with Bharat Ratna (only Padma Bibhushan) but do the same for a sportsman! What has been his contribution? Millions of hours of wasted office work listening to commentaries! How has Tendulkar's single minded devotion to his willow enriched Indian life? He even let country's captaincy a go by to devote to his willow only! One can not of course help. We Indians have a very lop-sided understanding of things. No wonder, China surges ahead and India lags behind. In sports, China, Japan, Korea all get to hold the Olympics. With 17 per cent world population India does not get it. How many countiries play the cricket? Mostly, a few commonwealth countries! Why blame the politicians? Why Government has never thought of bestowing Karan Singh with a Bharat Ratna? Or, if posthumous coronation is no problem, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee? It must be resolved that only in exceptional cases like Ambedkar or Shyama Prasad Mukherjee who have been around after Independence for their contribution in independent India can Bharat Ratna will or can be conferred, even if posthumously. Posthumous conferrment like the Nobel should normally be avoided. No freedom fighter is less the dearer to us without a Padma award. Communists in this matter are far wiser and I would say sane unlike the current Chief Minister of West Bengal who has made herself funny by conferring all kinds funny titles since she came to power.