Today while exchanging our regular weekly news, I heard from my parents that one of our elderly close relations has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

After my phone-conversation, I immediately wrote to that relation's son, expressing my deep anguish on hearing this sad news and mentioning about this book that I have in my home, asking him to procure it as soon as possible so that he has all the guidance he needs in coping with his father's tragic illness.

Thought of blogging about it also, so that others who are unaware of this treasure-trove of knowledge pertaining to Alzheimer's, can now access it.

It's called

The 36-Hour Day (Fifth Edition)

available in The Book Depository

and also on Amazon

It's a Family Guide to Caring for People who have Alzheimer's Disease, Related Dementias, and Memory Loss

Here is what its Blurb says:

When someone in your family suffers from Alzheimer disease or other related memory loss diseases, both you and your loved one face immense challenges. For over thirty years, this book has been the trusted Bible for families affected by dementia disorders. This guide features the latest information on the causes of dementia, managing the early stages of dementia, the prevention of dementia, and finding appropriate living arrangements for the person who has dementia when home care is no longer an option.

This book has the following info:

The basic facts about dementia
How to deal with problems arising in daily care -- meals, exercise, personal hygiene, and safety
How to cope with an impaired person's false ideas, suspicion, anger, and other mood problems
How to get outside help from support groups, friends, and agencies
Financial and legal issues you must address.

If any of your friends or acquaintances have been afflicted by Dementia or Alzheimer's, you can suggest this book to their near 'n' dear ones, so that they are well-prepared to cope with this debilitating disease which robs oneself of precious memories.

That's all I had to share with you for now.

Tk Care,


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Love is rare, life is strange, nothing lasts and people change. - Athena Orchard

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