
Let us not be squeamish to pronounce our religion

After observing secularists in this country for four decades I have come to the conclusion that they are in essence rabid communalists. By creating a smokescreen of secularism they actually want to capitulate. I do not understand why a Hindu will be ashamed to hide his Hindu identity. Why a muslim will say that there is no God, there is only Allah? Is it because Israelites in their early history actually committed sacrilages by repeatedly telling that idol worshippers should be dealt with fittingly and there is only the Israelite God? Later Israeli prophets actually criticised their forefathers for their sacrileges. Mohammed, the more I read about him, I come to know that he was a very liberal person. Muslims therefore should in fact feel very proud of Mohammad and actually protest from rooftops that they will not allow tarnishing the image of Islam by rabidly ambitious people in the name of Islam. A musalman should be proud of their lineage. And indeed, aristocatic muslims are best specimen of human beings. Sikhs similarly should feel proud of their ten great gurus, human beings per excellence. A Christian similarly should feel proud that a super human like Christ actually is the origin of their religion. Buddha has been one of the greatest original thinkers the world has ever produced. And Jains? Current world crisis, and in fact all world crisis of all times tell us what great human specimens have been Mahavir and many before him and a few still after him in Jainism. Secularism is a matter of state functioning, a statecraft really. No person should be squemish in proclaiming his religious lineage. In fact every person should aspire to become Dara Shikoh, the greatest secular person this country has produced. The other secular persons I know of are Bahaullah and Ramakrishna Paramhansa. So secularists of this country, do not cry hoarse about secularism beyond State functioning. Let us all be religious as per our lineage, the respect we must show our forefathers, who nurtured subsequent generations, whose products we are.

More By  :  Sharbaaniranjan Kundu

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