
Culture Determines National Identity

Culture is a distinctive feature of one group of people comprising of several aspects. One of them is religion, and the others are language, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Obviously, one aspect of a culture does not represent the totality of it. 

The expression "Hindu culture" is as vague as saying Hindu cuisine (except by airlines referring to "Hindu meal"). And it is as much blurred as trying to contrive a language, music, arts, customs, etc with suffix of Hindu. This applies to all other religions as well who try to create a culture exclusively linked to their faiths.

Culture in most cases is secular in nature.

When we talk about a cultural community, we mean an all inclusive explicit way of life. It represents all the group of people sharing common identities despite belonging to different religious denominations. But all speaking same language and sharing same social and cultural traits.

Often people of one cultural community have several religions. These sub differentiations are covered by conventions and customs. Together these are represented by the sanctified rituals on which Hindu tradition, Sikh, Muslim or Christian traditions establish their respective identities.

The unity of India lies in its cultural plurality. This factor was the basis of states' reorganization at the time of India's independence in 1947. Each state was constituted representing the cultural homogeneity of that region. And wherever there were more than one homogeneity states split respectively. Thus the cultural aspirations of people have been adequately addressed. 

"India is a colorful country" mainly because of the exuberant nature of its diverse cultures. The cultural sameness in each Indian state along with the religious diversity is the accepted model for both political and administrative purposes. 

Whereas each Indian state mostly represent one single cultural distinctiveness, it is the state of Jammu and Kashmir which within itself does carry more than one identity. The state has three regions, namely Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. And each one of them is culturally, religiously, geographically and even climatically different. Azad Kashmir under Pakistan domain has its own identity which is again quiet varied from rest of Jammu and Kashmir state.

The Kashmir problem has never been examined and tackled from its diversity aspect. The politics of the state has always been dominated, controlled and represented by the Muslim leadership of the Valley from the Kashmir region. The multi-facet and heterogeneous character of the state is the undetermined reality which otherwise can play a dominant role in resolving the Kashmir problem. Aligning the issue only on religious basis because about 64 percent of the state's population is Muslim is a futile exercise to determine its fate. By not allowing the diversity factor in the Kashmir debate is suppression of its other identities as well.

In a democratic setup regions or nations which play only the religious factor in politics and governance  always have cultural identity crisis. 

That has been the fate of Pakistan. It does not recognize and accept that the country's cultural affinity lies with India which it can't shake off. Both the political and military leaderships of the country in their hatred toward India try to establish a religious-based Arabic identity. Naturally, this is not working.

Pakistan must realize that cultural-based identities cut across religious-based identities. And the former can play more decisive and healthier roles in determining a cohesive and stable future for the country.

Perhaps Pakistan can learn from Canada as how the latter is establishing its national identity.

In a multicultural Canadian society there are a multitude of cultures, traditions and religions,with lot more sub banners within each group. It is a myriad with a diversified web which gives Canada an image of acceptance and tolerance.

This certainly is a unique experience in human social history to be represented by one culture which collectively is a multi-culture.

Canadian culture is not only ever evolutionary but vibrant and lively too. The reason being its multi-facet aspect which gives it the color and character of being involving and exciting.

More By  :  Promod Puri

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Comment Pramod Puri ji, it is an excellent article. First Pakistan should give respect to Sindhis, the Baluchis, the Indian migrants, the Hindus, the Sikhs, the Christians in their country and only then only they will have the right to come to the discussion table with India. Kasmiris are rice eaters unlike Punjabis, who are wheat eaters predominantly. Kashmiris have nothing in common with Punjabis and Pakistan is dominated by Punjabis and their Army. First Pakistan must learn to respect democracy. So, for that they have to talk with Baluchis, the Sindhis, the Indian migrants and all religious groups. Pakistan muts have inmportat functionaries from all the above linguistic groups and religious groups in their Government and parliamentary committees. Punjabis of Pakistan should allow different groups of societies constitutional positions. Only then their Army can be made less belligerant. Only then Pakistan become eligible to talk with India. Pakistan must go back to their father of the nation, Jinnah, who declared Pakistan to be a secular state. Why, ye Pakistani rulers have you insulted Jinnah by running your country as a uni-religious country. Atone ye; and reform yourself. Only then can you talk with India honorably.

Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
28-Aug-2014 01:08 AM

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