Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
I thank Madam Najma Heptullah for having put to rest the controversies regarding the meaning of the term Hindu and marriage of a "Hindu" girl with a Muslim boy. How corect she is! This speaks of her lineage and her honesty and sanity. Among millions she is one genuine human being. I really adore her and pay my respects to her. Who is a Hindu? One living east of the river Indus (Sindhu). Persians (Iranians) called us so. As far as I know Raja Rammohan Roy, well versed in Persian in his time, made this word popular in Bhaaratvarsha (=India=Hindustan). As the British took vengeance by creating Pakistan (Jinnah called it a secular country! What travesty of his vision by subsequent rulers!) and as Nehru and many others were so keen to get independence as early as possible (Ambedkar said no independence if no separate electorate for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe!) peace in India-Pakistan is still elusive. Unfortunately, nothing is Pak (pure) in Pakistan excepting hatred for India. Pakistan can atone by first practising secularism (respecting the Sindhis, the Baluchis, the Indian migrants, the Hindus, Christians, Sikhs) and then work for SAARC in full earnestness. The onus is on Indian muslims to bring about the facilitating environment. They should turn a deaf ear to Madam Sonia Gandhi, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mamata Banerjee for their rhetorics. Nitish Kumar ji, rise above election politics and be part of NDA again. If you do not like Shri Modi, you have Mukhtar Naqvi, Syed Shahabuddin, Najma Heptullah for good company!