Feb 13, 2025
Feb 13, 2025
[Diamond used to discuss his lifelong divine realizations with innumerable listeners coming to his residence every day. The discussions were mainly based on the metaphors of Sri Ramkrishna as described in Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna and it used to continue from noon to night.
These discussions and daily experiences were recorded by some listeners in their diaries and later on has been published in a Bengali magazine since 1968. This article is mainly based on a compilation work from different diaries and magazines and after editing and translating these into English I m going to publish regularly in several chapters.]
Possibility of establishment of ‘oneness’ in future among human race
23rd July, 1958.
Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘Man can never be preacher or religious teacher.’ What happened? He eradicated this theory and said, ‘only God can be religious teacher.’ What he did? He established God within the temple of human body. Traditional religion cannot be universal. And if it is not universal, how human race can achieve oneness?
You look at the world religious history. What the incarnations are trying? They are trying to unite the human race. Now look at Sri Ramkrishna. He said, ‘The only object of human life is to achieve God’ and then said, ‘There are so many idealisms, and so many ways.’
Now come to the world history. What happened with French revolution? Their slogan was, Liberty – Equality – Fraternity – trying to unite everybody. Karl. Marx tried to unite the human race through economic revolution and its indirect effect was seen in the Russian revolution in 1917. This is also an effort to unite the human race. But was it successful?
After so many days we are seeing a possibility of unification among mankind. Vedas have mentioned.
There exists ‘one’ but others say, ‘many’. Now this ‘many’ will be ‘one’, though how much time it will take is very difficult to say. But we can say that this has started.
Forecast of Diamond
27th - 29th July, 1958.
The end of this phenomenon of seeing me within the human body cannot be conceived. But one day may come when a man saw me within him and then he forgot this incident. Later on perhaps another man could see the seer in my form standing before him, as because long before he saw me within him.
Seeing me only once or twice will not serve the purpose. There are many such incidents. How much do they understand this! Seeing me once within the body means this has manifested in embryo. Then gradually when you will get my full-fledged attributes then only this will do.
Real Equality comes through getting Diamond within the body
August, 1958
The differentiation between family man and monks has brought a great harm to the world. Only a class of aristocracy is created. You are a family man so you are a lower class and we are monks so we are higher class. Is the God is different for a monk and a family man? Even if anybody leads a family life, is it his fault? Does the fault come upon that God who makes him so?
So long this tradition in the religious world continues that you are superior and I am inferior. But what is happening here? I have transformed you into my own form. Everybody is equal. There is no question of superiority or inferiority. And this is the true equality.