Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
How can one be proud of Bengalees, when en-mass communist workers become Trinamool workers? Actually an impverished state which will not respect economic laws and play politics with peoples' gullibilities can not do anything better. It is high time people of West Bengal stop giving importance to their politicians and quietly work for self advancement and social causes. For that Bengalees have to come out of their middle class selfishness and see beyond their nuclear family. Gujaratis and Marwaris are unlike Bengalees. Therefore, they are much better off. Future of Bengalees lie with Bengalees who have spread out in other parts of India and the world. They have to learn from other societies, shed their false ego. A Bengalee should never forget that all big names of Bengal had pan-Indian and world outlook. And a successful Bengalee should not forget under-privileged impoverished Bengalees and should not assume Ramkrishna Mission and Bharat Sevasram Sangh shuld only do all philanthropic work.