High and mighty of the subcontinent have found ingenious means to rescue themselves from difficult situation. One such method is- pain and suffering!  The author intends to dwell upon some recent incidents when the legal system has been taken advantage of by these exalted personalities walking tall among us.
West Bengal
In September 2014 Mr Rajat Majumdar,  ex-DGP of West Bengal, when arrested by CBI for  involvement in the Saradha scam, claimed to be  suffering from serious heart problems. His learned lawyers claimed that he needed immediate medical attention. Mr Majumdar fell unconscious after being arrested and the learned lawyers felt the need of treatment by Doctors of his choice. How such a weak person could become a senior Police Official needs closer attention. One would expect them to undergo regular mandatory medical check-ups.
Falling sick immediately after a negative judicial pronouncement and the heartfelt need for treatment in five star comfort hospitals  is a common thread binding our high and mighty bretheren as will be seen in other examples.
A cottage in Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS), Ranchi has become a comfort place for resourceful and powerful people who are sent to jail by the judiciary or those in judicial custody. This Hospital has extended hospitality to the likes of Former Chief Ministers Mr Madhu Koda, Dr Jagganath Mishra and Mr Lalu Yadav.
Modus operandi is simple. Upon arrest and in jail they fall ill and naturally are sent for immediate treatment to this hospital by the efficient jail authorities. Once there they get home made food of choice and freely meet visitors. Why visitors are allowed to meet seriously sick people and disturb their treatment ?
The concern and swiftness in treatment of these high profile personalities is not visible when a common man is involved !
Tamil Nadu
 Last year, after being sent to jail, Ms Jayalalitha requested that she be moved to a private hospital as she was feeling uneasy. The learned judge told firmly that jail manual had to be followed. Subsequently, after check-up she had to stay put in the jail . Yes, they do not succeed all times.

Our brothers across the border also feel the pain and are no less fortunate than their counterparts in India.
In murder case of Baloch tribal leader Mr Akbar Bugti masterminded by Pakistani Army, former dictator Mr Pervez Musharraf   has been charge sheeted. His lawyers submitted medical report in a court in Quetta  requesting exemption from personal appearance. The General is suffering from back pain !
The common man is disadvantaged while the resourceful super citizens enjoy at taxpayer’s expense. This has sadly become a way of life.
Can our administrative system mature like in USA where Secretary of State has been recently fined  $ 50 by Boston City officials for not removing snow in front of his house ?
We hope the new Narendra Modi government does not promote arrogance among the administrators. Only then one can talk of Sushasan and Achhe Din.

More By  :  Navin Chandra Mishra

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