We went to Germany in the Summer and Colchester in the Winter.

It was only today I managed to get the time to finalise the slideshows for you to view :-)

49 Photos from Crowne Plaza Holiday Resort in Colchester, UK


246 Photos from Frankfurt, Koblenz and Rhine Valley in Germany


If the above slides stop working, you can also see the photos here :-)



Happy Viewing :-)

And as always, if you enjoy, please do share it with your friends and families....

Have a lovely Valentine's weekend :-)

And now, let me take leave of you by sharing 2 Quotes with you:

True love is not giving power to the other person, but instead is empowering you to make that person happy. - Carlos Salinas

Well, I don't. I'm down with Alzheimer.


Anyway, happy remembering as there's much more to this Quote than just mere laughing ... a lot of depth in it, makes you think - long and hard...


Google Posting - Happy Perusing :-)


YouTube Playlists - Happy Playing :-)


Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way. - Yogi Desai

Picture Quote Courtesy: Search Quotes dot Com

More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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