
Avoidable Expenditure?

There is a two full page notice issued by the Government of India in the form of advertisement in today’s (18th April). The advertisement has reference to widening of a 22 kilometre stretch of National Highway in Telangana.  The notice directly concerns about (only) 120 owners of land and residential property who are affected by the road widening work. See the pictures below.

It appears that the notice is issued to meet the statutory requirement of a law enacted in 1956.
I am sure that such advertisements / notices appear in other dailies too.  They definitely cost a lot of money.

My questions:

 Is this not an avoidable expenditure on the part of GOI?

If statutes call for such notices can’t they be modified?

Will not 120  individual court notices serve the same purpose?

More By  :  Dr. KS Raghavan

  • Views: 4588
  • Comments: 1

Comments on this Blog

Comment Raghavan, we have several other cases. If one happens to lose a school leaving certificate, one is required to give a advertisement to that affect in addition to FIR or some notification to Police Station. Such laws / rules are only a impediment and reminiscent of controls of days of license-permit raj. It is time the governments-central and states had a relook at such unnecessary expenditure incurred by the government as well as the hapless, harassed citizen.

18-Apr-2015 20:06 PM

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