Feb 05, 2025
Feb 05, 2025
India has seen two outstanding Narendras in contemporary times – Swami Vivekananda (1863 – 1902 CE) and now Narendra Modi (b 1950 CE). During the Swami times, India was under colonial rule and Christian missionaries were having a free run in terms of harvesting souls in an innocent civilisation already weakened by waves of subjugation under sword wielding Islamic forces. One of the oldest and the one (and only one) continuing civilisation in the entire universe provided enough human souls to satisfy the never ending thirst of both the religious predators. The locally developed paths for self-realisation viz. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. (jointly called Sanatana Dharma), never believed in religious conversion and never thought it is possible until their Semitic counterparts came around to show its disastrous consequences.
Swami Vivekananda had to travel all the way upto the Parliament of World Religions at Chicago in September 1893 to alert the world’s genuine intellectuals to the dangers of religious conversion (https://youtu.be/ZQekcwOZ8FU). It opened the eyes of some of the world’s impartial brilliant minds to the wonderful religious ideologies from India that are built on rationality and provided so much freedom for its followers. The words of some such noble souls like Thoreau, Huxley, Rolland, Schrodinger, Sagan, Oppenheimer, Einstein, Bohr etc., are too well known. The backlash for the soul harvesters was too much. The Western forces saw an opportunity again when a ‘Westerner’ like Nehru came to power after India’s liberation from a thousand years of ideological and colonial rule. Opus Dei must have pumped in billions of dollars to maintain the continuity of Nehru family rule for almost sixty years. Their latest stint from 2004 to 2014 under the complete supervision of one of their own provided the maximum yield.
Narendra Modi’s sweeping victory in 2014 is the biggest challenge to these faceless sinister forces now. Each and every one of his days in power is decreasing their chances of a comeback. Modi’s growing popularity among world leaders is another cause of worry for them. If Modi continues like this for decade, he will not only modify India but the world is going to witness a resurgence of Bharath the world over. A great tsunami of Hindutva is going to sweep over the world in all the fields of human endeavour. It is becoming increasingly clear about the real faces behind the current campaign about a non-existent intolerant India. Those who fear Narendras are the very same who are afraid of the truth about Bose and Shastri. The simple fact that both of them died abroad speaks volumes about those who are afraid of the Narendras.
Agree to a good extent. Mr Modi needs to be well protected. |