Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi is an amazing person! He proves it again and again. It is not for no reason that Ramakrisna Mission sent him away and told him 'sanyas' is not for him. He is a celebate. He did not consummate his marriage. From a 'chaiwallaha`s son` to Prime Minster of a country of 120 crore population is a fantastic journey that will be remembered by posterity for all time. And I just marvel at his missionary zeal with which he does his job. Endless detractors are at him trying to tear him down but he is unfazed. He does not utter a nonsense like many others. And he is steadfast in his support for the person he has chosen for a job. And why should not they accept his leadership. He is a true leader, nay a statesman. More than that he has proved himself to be a world statesman at par with leaders of countries like the USA, Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Japan and China. Shri Modi has befriended the USA and Russia. Compare this with Nehru's non-alignment with a tilt towards Russia. So what is better? Equal alignment or skew non-alignment! Modiji's current master-stroke of visit to Russia, then unannounced Afganistan visit and finally surprising Pakistan visit is a diplomacy of the highest genre. The USA and the UN has understood this immediately. Surely, not so bright SAARC is going to be a trail-blazer soon enough. I am thankful to God that he has given Shri Narendrabhai Damodardas Modi as our prime minister at a crucial junction of world history.