Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
It is high time that a national level debate should be started espousing the case of raising voting age back to 21. If I remember correctly (please correct me if I am wrong) it was BJP which was responsible espousing the cause of lowering the voting age to 18. We have seen enough of immature student politics, and waste of money and study time in college politics and violence and rocking of national as well as state politics because of college and university politics. Our political leaders should atone for the shape of pan Indian student politics and work together to raise the voting age to at least 21. Personally, I prefer a voting age of 25 as today on an average it takes much longer for a student to mature into a socially useful citizen before (s)he should think of what is good or bad for the country. A voting age of 18 is not suitable if I reflect on the usefulness of the extant stuation. Let more erudite and wiser citizens of this country debate and conclude about my thought as regards an appropriate voting age vis a vis the current voting age is concerned.