
PhD in India - Think 100 times before you do it!

A private university in Bangalore charges close to Rs. 6 lakhs for a doctoral program which you have to pay in trenches. However, most research scholars who enroll for the program never complete the course. This private university boasts about offering an American style doctoral program in India. It has a faculty some of whom have returned from US after the 2008 economic recession. So where is the problem?
Classes are held for three days in a month in most of these private universities. These universities expect the research scholars to know everything about business research and statistics without specifying that this is the requirement for the course. While the IIMs have a brief comprehensive exam, this private university conducts a 5-day comprehensive exam for doctoral scholars and fail the students most of whom never return back to the University to complete the doctoral program.

The one advantage of these private universities is the absence of graft and corruption. However, this is more than made up for by the astronomical fees that they charge. Some of these faculty members find it so hard to speak to their own research scholars for a few minutes on the phone. They claim to be so busy! If you have to meet them, you will get an appointment after lost of perseverance and listening to their excuses that they are busy elsewhere and do not have time. If they are so busy why did they accept to be doctoral program guides is strange. They of course want the additional money that they get by being a doctoral program guide. Imagine if you have to pay close to Rs 6000 per month and not get a single sitting with the guide because he or she is busy to even talk on the phone. There are some guides who call the students to the campus and then cancel the appointment at the last minute saying - (yes you guessed it!) - they are busy.

Even if you tolerate all this and manage to get a doctoral program, what awaits you is a salary between Rs 30000 to Rs 60000 per month with no additional perks or no incentives or medical insurance cover. A doctorate is not given any special status in a MBA college. He cannot expect a promotion. Then why do a PhD ? Simply for knowledge and self satisfaction? So in this day and age, you spend Rs. 7 lakhs to get a PhD degree from India just for self satisfaction and the halo effect!

Many doctoral research scholars have suffered mental disorders and depression.

So, never attempt to pursue PhD in India. Do it abroad.

If you wish to do PhD in India in a private university, ask how many of the scholars who enrolled in the private university have actually managed to secure a doctoral degree from this university. If not too many have been able to get a doctoral degree, it is clear that in the name of making it a rigorous doctoral program, the university is merely filling its coffers.

Everyone who starts a private university wants to earn a fast buck. So do not fall prey to this.
A PhD won't help your career, wipe away your hard earned money and cause you mental agony when you deal with egotistic guides with shallow knowledge. 

More By  :  Chandraprabha Venkatagiri

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Comments on this Blog

Comment This university in Bangalore is currently in the news for all the wrong reasons

25-Nov-2016 11:27 AM

Comment please mention the university so that readers can learn about it. thanks for writing this.

01-May-2016 14:59 PM

Comment This is the sad truth about getting a doctorate in India. But you have not written about exploitation by the mentors, especially w.r.t. female students. It is really sad.

Rati Hegde
27-Apr-2016 09:30 AM

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