
Trump's Next Move

Unless a celestial intervention takes place the next spectacle of the American election will be the pompous entry of Donald Trump as Republican nominee in the presidential race.
In his march toward clinching the party's nomination Trump has revealed the very landscape of America which is still extensively dotted with xenophobic swamps and bogs breeding and feeding the Klan-everglades.
Trump's battle for nomination seems to be a well-planned strategy, and being a demagogue he has successfully rounded up American diehards to create a nation-wide constituency of ultraconservatives.
Consequent to that Trump does not belong to the Republican Party rather the party belongs to him. In its new avatar the party has reduced itself to be a mere shell embodying the myopic spirit of Trump.
The constituency he has assembled is his secure vote bank of constituents who have acquired a solid strain of immunity toward any political gravity other than their divinity toward Trump.
Realizing that this bagful of admirers and zealots won't get him into the White House, and keeping in mind the multiracial demographic reality of America, the next election strategy can be a bitter pill for Trump to swallow. This treatment would move him from the extreme right to the middle of the political spectrum. Being a politician and businessman to the core Trump will not hesitate to put on a new outfit, though temporarily. 
In this gamesmanship all his shortsighted, bigoted and vile statements can be retractable, but these would still be struck in his throat till the election is over.

More By  :  Promod Puri

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Comments on this Blog

Comment Very timely topic for the U.S. residents. Trump started a new paradigm in the American politics. Are we supposed to listen and believe what the candidate says or what he doesn't say? For what it is worth, what he says appeals to me who is not a redneck conservative :). Why is Trump blamed as a demagogue for saying the things that appeal to a large section of people? He doesn't use code language like the establishment candidates but uses everyday expressions. He still looks mainstream compared to Bernie Sanders. Some politically astute people can parse these things and show why Trump is wrong from an American middle class and working class point of view.

P. Rao
07-May-2016 06:02 AM

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