Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of profit, prestige, and power. It does become a problem when the pursuit is out of balance with the wrong motives. You can find yourself losing you mind and so much more when your life is out of balance.
A pursuit of your life's purpose, peace and a passion for God, family and humankind is the alternative. this kind of life becomes an irresistible positive force and magnet drawing to it all things.
Socrates taught that the biggest battle we fight is on the battleground divided between "I WANT" and "I SHOULD". This is the inner warfare.
In order to avoid dangerous pursuits of self-righteousness and create a truly rich life, one must do the inner soul work. I strive everyday for this balance as I am sure you do also. I put on my armor of Light and go inner warfare to overcome what the body and mind seeks (comfort, approval, the path of less resistance, procrastination, ego, gratification from sugar, sex, sleep shopping, pity-party, etc.)
We can begin when we give ourselves quiet time to turn off the voices of home, the media, family, society, work and friends. Learning to hear with the "spiritual ear" takes practice. It helps us to reacquaint ourselves with our rhythms, personal sessions of trials, triumph and tests, our wounds, hopes, memories and aspirations.
Create a space and a place in your home, and during the day whle at work or school, separate yourself from the busy-ness and business of the day. Be still, be quiet, exhale, pray, refocus, review your priorities, reach out to someone special in your life and renew yourSelf.