Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
I have voted for Shri Narendra Modi last time giving him benefit of doubt as regards Gujarat riot. Also I never liked pseudo secularism of Congress and communist parties, though I was always left of centre in my thinking. I do not like Mamata Banerjee for several reasons, one being muslim pampering. But next time around I shall not vote for Shri Narendra Modi for one single reason. That we have to buy railway ticket four months in advance; and then if I have to return my railway ticket I get only a paltry amount as refund. This is to my mind is simply cheating. A department of an elected government simply can not act in such a fashion. I do not know why people are not taking this government to court for such an irresponsible act. For this one act of the present government I have decided not to vote for Shri Narendra Modi next time though personally I like Shri Narendra Modi for his missionary nature.