
Agenda of left-libbies

It was another boring day at office after a hefty meal.A colleague and a friend wanted to participate in a 'public speaking' session in the afternoon and 
I thought why not? After the usual Hi's, Hello's and the rounds of applause, a couple of speakers showed their vocal ebullience.The theme for the day was Festive mood
and everybody touched on that.It was time for the leader to wrap up and he offered to present some facts on Diwali.He said, in Delhi alone every year more than 
140 billion dollars are spent on crackers and this figure is equal to the sum of annual turn over of Facebook,Google,Microsoft,Twitter e.t.c. He also claimed a group 
of 20 can start ushering a change by refraining which will later grow.This is a popular concern shown by many Hindus of India and they are just swept away by these 
false-equivalent numbers vis-a-vis turn over of Google,Microsoft et all. $140bn is a big number, but lets looks at these other numbers which nobody is going to tell you
'With approximately $75 billion spent on Christmas gifts, 1.9 billion cards sent, and 20.8 million Christmas trees cut in the U.S. alone, 
the impact of this one holiday is immense. While worldwide information is hard to come by, the Australian Conservation Foundation reports 
a minimum of 2,285,000 tonnes of greenhouse pollution contributed to Christmas in Australia alone'
And this?
"Christmas Fireworks Cause Air Pollution in Peru Capital to Rise 24%" - Latin America Hearld Tribune
Considering that there are more than 165 countries celebrating Christmas including the whole of Europe,US,Canada, Australia plus others, do we know the total number of trees
that are fell to make these cards and gifts. A big NO.
Everyone knows that after the slaughter of goats during Bakrid, large amount of water is used in every house hold to clean the animal blood, but I have not been able
to find one credible source which highlights that.
Why every HIndu festival is a target for these eco friendly left libbies (aka liberals)? - Crackerless Diwali,Waterless Holi,No Jallikattu,height of Dahi Handi during
Krishna Janmashtami, the list is endless.
The libbies want to finish Hindu culture wrapping every tradition as a environmental threat and sabotaging it. 
And it is the educated (so called) progressive Hindus who are falling to this false narrative and aiding it.

More By  :  Srinivasan MK

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