
Fake Professionals

Impostors have been around since time immemorial. However, when life of individuals is at risk this phenomenon of fake professionals assumes paramount importance. In other cases loss may be of property or lost opportunities.
The author dwells upon recent masquerading by fake professionals which is detrimental to the common man.
Quack in AIIMS
Dr Ritaj Tripathi with dangling stethoscope and surgical mask attending to sick persons in Emergency ward of AIIMS is fine but for the fact that he is no Doctor. He gets caught and handed over to the police!
Again, Dr Avinash Anand , Associate Professor of AIIMS was helping patients in Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi last month. Having aroused suspicion the “Professor” could not tell the number of bones a human being has !
How such persons are able to dodge the security system which is expected to protect the institutes of national importance in the capital from terrorists could be another story.
The above may be cases of conmen out to make fool of people to make money from the gullible. It is true that in both cases cited above the cited gentlemen were trying to help patients gain entry into hospitals for medical attention. Thus, inefficiency of the health system is spawning opportunities for criminals.
We have on record that Delhi abounds with 50,000 quacks posing as Doctors while the nation can boast having 200,000. These are estimates given by Medical Council of India officials.
Delhi Medical Council officials have been pressing the police to initiate action but their priorities are probably elsewhere. If this is the situation in Delhi, God help the poor citizens elsewhere.
Lawyers and Judges
30 % of lawyers have fake degrees - this was admitted by the Chairman of Bar Council Of India a year back.  A verification process has been initiated to weed out the fake ones.
CJI Mr Khehar has been told by Mr Manan Mishra, Chief of Bar Council of India that as a result of this drive the figure may be actually as high as 50%.
Weeding out the fake ones is a daunting task and to be appreciated. But the matter should not be allowed to rest there.
CJI Mr Khehar must initiate legal proceedings, prosecution of these impersonators who are nothing but criminals.
CJI also needs to have a look at members of judiciary. Fake lawyers may have infiltrated the judiciary. We have had a case when five district judges of Andhra Pradesh were debarred from the first year Master of Law examinations after being caught  copying in 2012. The cheating took place in Warangal. On a tip-off, the controller of examinations and a special squad team swooped down on the exam centre. They too should be considered unqualified to practice law.
Other Professions
It is possible that we may be having, say, fake engineers making faulty buildings / bridges and putting the public to risk. With private sector entering education sector, the quality of education needs monitoring. Same may be the case with other professions.

More By  :  Navin Chandra Mishra

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Comments on this Blog

Comment Mr Rao, fake professionals are brazen and need to be tackled on war footing. Another class is being spawned from sub-standard institutions who are able to get recognition through money power and political clout. I am not sure if you have missed much.

09-Feb-2017 02:53 AM

Comment Your account of fake professionals is an eye opener. These guys pursue this fakeness as a career? Amazing. I am glad to be able to comment on this post. Most of the others on Boloji are closed for comment. Did I miss something?

P. Rao
09-Feb-2017 02:28 AM

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