War of words has been unleashed on Donkeys in the current ongoing electoral battle in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Sixteenth century poet Rahim who was also a Dewan (Minister) in the court of Akbar and thus must have been in the thick of political machinings penned the following couplet-

Let us not despise the little one on seeing the big one,
When a needle is required, of what use would be a sword?
Fifteenth century saint, poet Kabir expressed somewhat similar thoughts in the following lines-

Let us not insult the small particle of dust that is under our feet,
If it flies off and falls in the eye, then the pain becomes unbearable.
Every school going child in the subcontinent learns the above dohas in school- the teachers ensure that children absorb the above wisdom. Some have not learnt their lessons.
One would have expected a senior politician like Mr Akhilesh Yadav to respect Donkeys for what they are and be able to distinguish Donkeys from Lions. Trouble with some of our young, privileged leaders is that they are not able to differentiate between paddy and wheat- so this was not surprising.
Indirectly, question has been raised about participation of Mr Narendra Modi and Mr Amit Shah in elections in U.P. By same logic, association with Congress Party also becomes undesirable as their leader is from Italy.
Mr Yadav has dragged Mr Amitabh Bachan into this created controversy by asking him not to endorse tourism for Wild Ass Sanctuary in the Little Rann of Kutch in Gujarat. Attractions in this sanctuary are Indian Wild Ass, Chinkara, Desert Fox, Jackal, Desert Cat, Blackbuck, Hyena and many birds.
Let us note they are not named Gujarat Wild Ass but Indian Wild Ass. Not that it would matter much to insensitive and arrogant politicians who are indifferent to the citizen’s plight- forget the animals !
One would expect the politicians to have a intense war of words on developmental issues rather than on hapless (but upright) Donkeys.
It has been acknowledged that since Mr Bachhan’s association as Brand Ambassador for Gujarat Tourism, tourism growth in Gujarat  has been 4% against national average of 2% .
Further, Mr Bachan has not charged the State for his services whereas many shamelessly charge (even loot ) the nation’s treasury for  services which remain unknown.
Dragging Mr Bachan’s name has been unfair to him and he deserves an apology.
Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi should ask his opponent to render apology for hurting sentiments of the nation.
One wonders-is this the nadir of Indian politics or is it a bottomless pit?

More By  :  Navin Chandra Mishra

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Comment All these are very shameful indeed. Whether this is the nadir of Indian politics? not necessarily. Nobody knows how low these netas are capable of stooping.

02-Mar-2017 12:27 PM

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