
Choosing A President

The nation is going for a Presidential election with all the surprises which politics can throw up. There has been lot of political activity in selection of possible candidates by different political parties.
With support declared (as per media) by various political entities, election of Mr Ram Nath Kovind appears to be a foregone conclusion. Considerable time, energy and resources will probably be going into the process of presidential election.
Out of the thirteen elected Presidents India has had so far (see table below), Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (1977-82) was the only unopposed President and Rajendra Prasad was the only President to have two consecutive terms.

Sl Name Dt of taking Office Dt of leaving Office Remarks
1 Rajendra Prasad 26.01.1950 12.05.1962 Only President who
served two terms
2 S Radhakrishnan 13.05.1962 13.05.1967
3 Zakir Hussain 13.05.1967 03.05.1969 Died in Office
V V Giri 03.05.1969 20.07.1969 Acting President
Mohammad Hidayatullah 20.07.1969 24.08.1969 CJI as Acting President
4 V V Giri 24.08.1969 24.08.1974
5 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed 24.08.1974 11.02.1977 Proclaimed Emergency,
Died in Office
B D Jatti 11.02.1977 25.07.1977 Acting President
6 Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 25.07.1977 25.07.1982 Won unopposed.
7 Giani Zail Singh 25.07.1982 25.07.1987
8 R Venkataraman 25.07.1987 25.07.1992
9 Shankar Dayal Sharma 25.07.1992 25.07.1997
10 K R Narayanan 25.07.1997 25.07.2002
11 A P J Abdul Kalam 25.07.2002 25.07.2007
12 Pratibha Patil 25.07.2007 25.07.2012
13 Pranab Mukherjee 25.07.2012 Continues
Wish list that comes to mind-
1.      Our President should be free to act as per conscience and not be bound by the advice of the          government.  One shudders when reminded of the way President Mr Fakhruddin Ali                  Ahmed was made to sign the proclamation of Emergency.
2.      Presidents should not allow Ordinances to be easy route for enacting laws. This route                  should be used in exceptional cases as it undermines Parliament.
3.      Selection of Presidential candidates should be beyond considerations of religion, caste or            gender.
4.      Proven administrative skills, legal understanding , fairness in dealing and courageous to              stand up for what is good for the nation are the qualities which should be in a potential              candidate. For example one elected just because of being a famous scientist may not be              able to do justice to this office as often they are required to deal with rogue elements.
Choosing a President is a serious matter and our leaders should put up credible candidates for electing the fourteenth President.

More By  :  Navin Chandra Mishra

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Comment A nice compilation of data as always.

Bhaskar kumar
20-Jun-2017 13:51 PM

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