Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
The last two decades have been one of insecurity for a common man. I remember the day when my Welsh aunty's sister went to the temple in our locality and made such informed comments about Hinduism I was just humbled. My half Welsh cousin sister from London went through Islamic studies. My Welsh aunt goes to seven day adventist church. I myself studied in a muslim college. I have always been comfortable with every religious community, which is not over zealous. In fact I just enjoy speaking out a Sanskrit mantra. I enjoy as much going to a church. I have been to Gurdwaras and I shall not mind saying a namaz prayer if any muslim will take me to a masjid. Yes, I was afraid of so called Islamic terrorism. But I knew all along misguided people can do abominable things. I still remember reading an article in a popular Bengali magazine two decades back by the then Ramkrishna Mission chief that terrorism is a passing phase. I told all my friends, Islamic terrorism will pass as histories of all the three major religions of the world are full of violence. But all of them have seen reason in due course. Further, have not the predominantly Christian countries seen two world wars? I am vindicated today. People like Hassan Nisar, Tarek Fatah, Hamid Bashani are not mincing words unlike millions who are afraid to speak their mind. Bravely, these three persons are calling a spade a spade. They are speaking the truth. And everybody is listening. An implosion is taking place. Christianity has gone through reformation. So has Hinduism. Now is the time for Islam. Maulanas just contemplate. Patiently listen to what the likes of Hassan, Tarek and Bashani are saying. Allah does everything. Let Allah do what it wants. Do not take up the cudgels. Sometimes it is good to listen instead of speking. Just have faith in Allah. This world is Allah's. So just listen to Allah. Listen to your heart rather than preach to lay citizens of the world by trying to interpret written words. Allah wants good people to live in peace.