Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
I sometimes wonder why human beings in general are so obsessed with sex. Sex is a natural phenomenon. But why it is turned into an obsession is really quizical.One must admit sex is really not a beautiful phenomenon. It is a necessary phenomenon no doubt but not a beautiful phenomenon.The act of sexual intercourse is some kind of a nether world activity like defecation, urination, spitting, vomitting, etc. etc. It is well that there is some bit secrecy, cover and the like in the matter. But human beings have made an exhibition of the sexual act. So much is displayed, described, made exhibition of is really shameful. In the process women become commodities. They are displayed, advertised, made products out of to covet. What is shameful is that women glibly steps into the trap. Much of this world's ills are because of misuse of human sex and sexuality. Even in literature, songs, sculpture, photography and other forms of art. The buck of human refinement, spirituality stops in the throes of misuse of human sexuality.