Mar 27, 2025
Mar 27, 2025
Next time you walk into a restaurant, if the music is too loud or the lighting is too low, ask them to lower the volume and brighten up the room, because it's been found that loud music and low lighting make you go for unhealthy food choices.
It's all about how the surroundings impact your psyche.
If you need to know more, click here :-)
Now, do you see this article with Ads or without Ads? I see it without Ads :-)
If you are being bothered by pesky ads, you can use Google Chrome or Opera as both of them have ad-blockers.
If after some months of using, your ad-blockers stop functioning, just un-install and re-install your GC and Opera browsers and they'll again start blocking those annoying Ads.
That's all for now. Let me leave you with a nice song.
Enjoy :)