Last time when my son asked me: Mummy, how was my show?

I said it was OK. I liked the way he spoke but the songs were slow making me drowsy.

My son keeps insisting that I listen to his 2-hour radio show that he does every week.

As the time slot is in the night, 8-10 pm, not always I'm able to lend my ears as I'm busy making dinner, setting up the beds or winding up pending tasks for the day.

But my son values my opinions and always asks my views.

So I said that he can begin the programme with some nice, peppy numbers to keep it buoyant and energetic and as he winds up his show, he can slow down to some soft, lilting numbers towards the end.

This time when he asked me to tune in, not only were the songs really nice, they were all hits, and as I kept listening, I discovered that most of them were from my English playlist :-)

When he came home, I asked him if he had peeped into my playlist before he went.

He said: Yes.

Cheeky fellow :-) No wonder, I enjoyed his programme so much as he played some of my favourite songs.

God Bless Him. Because of him, I could end my day with some nice memories wrapped up in a pleasant surprise :-)

That's my blogging for now.

Leaving you with a nice, naughty song.

Enjoy :)

More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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