Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
As the world readies to celebrate Friendship Day the author reflects on this sacred relationship.
Hindu mythology has epitomized Krishna-Sudama relationship as an example of friendship. The mighty King of Dwarka Krishna welcomes childhood friend Sudama in his palace and enjoys the sweets brought by him as gift. Both reminisce and enjoy company for some days.
Sudama is given full respect and farewell with appropriate gifts.
It is to be noted that he is not given any office of profit. In modern parlance he is not made a Minister or given lucrative contract or business opportunity. Both acknowledge each other’s self respect and reaffirm their friendship. The cliché- friendship should be among equals does not appear to hold water in this case.
A shoulder to cry on and unburden oneself without any apprehension of being taken advantage of would be acid test of friendship.
Recently, horses of Indo-Tibetan Border Police refused to eat. Next day they ate only half of their normal quantity. Their trainer and caregiver Sub Inspector Mangal Singh had died and the animals sensed something amiss. This occurred recently in ITBP’s animal training centre at Lohitpur in Arunachal Pradesh. Mangal Singh used to talk to his horses while attending to them! Friendship?
Every dog lover would have some anecdotes affirming similar aspect.
“I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”- this has been recorded as one of the topmost five regrets of dying people. This has been chronicled by an Australian nurse ( Bronnie Ware ) in her book – The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.
Chasing worldly pleasures, many see friendship as a tool to gain wealth and power. It is time one thinks more of giving than receiving. I firmly believe genuine friendship may do more to a sick man than what medicine would.