
Top 7 Health Benefits of Padangusthasana

(Hand to Big Toe Pose)

Many individuals who delve into the practice of any fitness regimen give prime attention to the frontal body. While the back body often feels neglected and unattended. Let us bring to the notice of every workout freak that for overall body balance and wellness, attention to the frontal and back body are equally important.

Padangusthasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) is a natural practice of toning both the front and back of your body. It is a beginner level standing yoga posture that offers benefits of stretching, stillness, and more. Anatomically, the performance of the pose affects the shoulders, lungs, heart, some of the abdominal organs like liver, kidneys, bladder, and pelvis.

So, here are the steps, modifications and benefits of Hatha Yoga Posture, the Padangusthasana.

1. Stand in Tadasana.

2. As you inhale, keep the hands on your hips.

3. Upon exhalation, bend forward from the hips.

4. Move the spine and head in one line.

5. Bend only to the extent that is comfortable for your body.

6. Inhale, bring the arms down. Slide the index and middle finger in between the toe and fingers of the feet. Hook the fingers properly against the toe.

7. Press the toe against the fingers.

8. For depth, inhale, lift the torso and stand up again.

9. Again, exhale, bend forward, and repeat step 6.

10. Keep the forehead relaxed.


●      If you have tight arms, you can bend the knees slightly in the posture.

●      For beginners holding the toes while keeping the knees straight can be a task. Loop a strap around the feet and hold it securely in your hands for a good stretch.

●      If the practitioner has long hamstrings, then draw the forehead towards the shins.

●      Those who have shoulder injury can rest the hands in the final position, instead of tensing it.

●      To avoid aggravating of the existing neck injury and prevent straining, rest the neck on a yoga block when you fold forward.

Take a look at the Top 7 Health Benefits of Padangusthasana:

1. Releases the Hamstrings: The pose encourages the practitioner to actively engage the quadriceps during the practice of the pose. As you fold forward, you raise the sitting bones up, the kneecap is lifted and the pelvis is drawn towards the upper thighs.  All the movements stretch and loosen the hamstrings. The release makes the hamstrings softer making bending smooth and deeper for you.

2. Stretch the Organs: During the practice of the pose, you open the shoulders, which provide a good stretch to them. The active involvement of the legs, lifting and bending movements within the pose stretches the calves, thighs and other organs of the body. The gentle stretching assists in the release of stiffness, stored emotions and increased flexibility of the muscles.

3. Peaceful Brain: As you let your head hang down during the forward fold, you stimulate the circulation of the blood. The blood from the lower extremities is transported to the brain in an enhanced quantity that nourishes the nerves of the brain. Couple this health benefit with breathing and focus that paves way for the mental serenity and awareness.

4. Stimulates Digestive Organ: The forward bend action gives a gentle massage to the organs of the stomach. The subtle rubbing stimulates the digestive organs and their functioning. With enhanced functioning, the process of elimination and absorption gets improved making your digestive fire strong.

5. Prevents Osteoporosis: When the bones of the body start to lose calcium and minerals, they become less dense and strong giving rise to the medical condition osteoporosis. Changes in diet, lifestyle and exercises are some of the effective ways to prevent osteoporosis. The Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose strengthens the muscles of the body thus safeguarding you from the condition of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

6. Heals Mild Depression:  When the Padangusthasana is performed in a relaxed manner, within the body limits and by coordinating the movements with breath, it affects the body-mind in a soothing manner. The pacifying effects help heals the mild depression.

7. Strengthens the Core: The pose strengthens the core. The core strength stabilizes the whole body. Strength in core helps alleviate a backache, improves posture, enhances athletic performance and provides a sense of balance. So, for the overall health, strengthen the core in Padangusthasana.

Bring the frontal and back body into perfect harmony and well-being with the Padangusthasana.

Author Bio-
Devendra Kumar is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He provides Daily yoga Calsses and Yoga teacher training in Delhi and Gurgaon. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. 

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Comment This post is very useful for health. Padangusthasana is very benefits thing to us. the seven benefits given in this post is true and useful for everyone

Gyan Ganga Yogpeeth
16-Apr-2019 05:40 AM

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