
G+ is going away on 2nd April, 2019

Today I received an email regarding this news and it did make me feel sad as I'll be missing G+

I used it regularly because its Feeds helped me to update my Blog.

If you scroll down this page, you'll see G+ RSS and it is also one of my pages on top of my Blog

Anyway, all good things come to an end.

Perhaps Google knows there are not many users of G+ and so it is shutting it down.

I'll miss G+ and will always cherish the nice memories of reading, writing and sharing it gave me :-)

I still love Google. Hope it comes up with something new. I admire its creativity. Kudos to its team.

So those of you who are still hanging on to G+ like me, please remember to save your photos and files before they get discarded by Google.


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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