As I walk out of my greyish bedroom, what I see, is just a slim streak of sunny light that longs to spread it's light in the whole house. It tries to get into whole concrete that resists it's very nature of giving happiness and hope to everyone.
Peeping through the window line, it makes me crazy to explore something different today as lights always fill us with felicity that we always long for.

I decide not going to kitchen for usual chores of the day instead opt to open the door and welcome the peeping rays who are calling me to get trapped into their arms of fresh and hygienic aura.Forgetting everything, I rush to the balcony where sun rays are sparkling as some precious diamonds have been scattered randomly. A new thought strikes me at the very moment, why we keep ourselves bound to the dark sides while nature always long to get us trapped in the fabulous abode. 

Why we are restricted to concrete while mother nature gifts us too precious pearls that are beyond thoughts. The chilled morning breeze flows making it's way through the sparkling lights and calling me to open the doors of artificial ambience.That very day, I decided to keep my doors and windows open for mother nature instead of getting trapped in the unhealthy aura of man made machines. 

The times have brought the scenario getting back to nature, avoiding ACs, and bounded spaces which are ruining our health and preventing us having intimacy with mother nature.

More By  :  Neetu Khatri Kajal

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