
Democracy – 2

A few days back I made a post “Democracy or Demockercy”.  The last paragraph referred to a new type of drama being enacted in Maharashtra.

The saga has not reached any logical end since then. The junior partner of the alliance, Shiv Sena,  is putting pressure on the senior partner BJP. The former wants that the chief minister is from its party. The latter is not obliging for obvious reasons.  It is to be noted that BJP has more than 100 seats and Shiv Sena has a little over sixty. Jointly they have the absolute majority. Neither has budged even an inch during the last two weeks or so. If anything, there stands have have become even more stiff. The constitutional requirement is that a new government has to be in place before tomorrow that is 9th November.  If the current stand-off continues over the next twenty four hours there is a possibility of President’s rule being imposed  In the state.

More interestingly, if the stand-off continues there is a distinct possibility that Sharad Pawar will become the Chief Minister with support from non-BJP parties.

In the meantime another rather familiar side show is also going on. Shiva Sena MLA’s are “safely” housed in a five star hotel. Congress MLA’s are being moved out of the state to Jaipur for similar “safety”.

Mockery of Democracy continues unabated.

More By  :  Dr. KS Raghavan

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