Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Information communication technologies provide ample learning opportunities for language learners. It can also be argued that technological developments alone are not sufficient to facilitate the objectives of learning and teaching a foreign language. There has always been an immediate need for human agency in order to effectively implement these technologies. Alongside the use of technologies, student’s own learning styles and learning strategies also play a critical role in learning. This article is intended as a critical reflection on language learning strategies. Many language learning strategy related issues are discussed in this article: for instance what are language learning strategies? What is the role of these strategies in learning a second language, what is the role of a learner? What is the role of a teacher in teaching these strategies? Many researchers have defined language learning strategies by outlining their components, such as actions, behaviours, steps and techniques that are used by learners in order to apprehend, acquire, and use a second language ((Hismanoglu, 2000; Oxford, 1990b). Language learners use a multitude of strategies, for instance meta-cognitive techniques, social strategies, cognitive strategies, and evaluating one’s own learning and task based strategies (Oxford, 1989). Each of these strategies is influenced by several factors including motivation, gender, cultural background, attitudes and beliefs, type of task, age and l2 stage, learning style, and tolerance of ambiguity influence the choice of language learning strategies (Oxford, 1990a). Tam (2013) argue that learners' social economic status, proficiency in a foreign language and gender are also factors which can affect the use of language learning strategies. Regarding classification, scholars in the field have worked to classify these strategies (Michael, 1997). Rubin (1987), states that there are two categories of strategies i.e. strategies that directly contribute to learning and strategies that indirectly contribute to learning. Oxford (1990) also divides learning strategies into two classes, those directly involved in language learning i.e. memory, cognitive, and compensation and those indirectly involved in language learning i.e. meta-cognitive, affective, and social which are further divided into six groups. O’Malley, Chamot, Stewner-Manzanares, Kupper & Russo (1985) mention three broad categories of learning strategies such as metacognitive, cognitive and social mediating strategies. Stern (1992) also states lists five language learning strategies: Management and Planning Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Communicative - Experiential Strategies, Interpersonal Strategies, and Affective Strategies. Language learning strategies are used by students in order to understand and acquire a second language (Cohen, Weaver & Li, 1996) such learning as English or French as a second language. Learners, who use language learning strategies, are more successful than those who do not use language-learning strategies. For example social strategies are founded on the fact that, in the present era, learners who interact with native speakers of the target language through Skype, facebook, messenger, and twitter are comparatively much more successful in their learning than those who do not use social strategies for language learning. Similarly, language learning strategies can prepare learners for further learning. For example Meta cognitive strategies prepare learners to think about thinking (Anderson, 2002). In everyday life we observe that learners who plan and evaluate their language learning are more successful. Various studies support the effectiveness of language learning strategies and show that second language (L2) learners always use learning strategies. According to Cohen (2003), second language learners use numerous language learning strategies. Indeed every learner has different learning strategy (Hismnaoglu, 2000). Oxford (1989) states that learning strategies vary from learner to learner. According to Thompson and Rubin (1993), selecting suitable language learning strategies improves learners’ proficiency and skills. Rubin (2014) also argues that teaching students to use learning strategies improves language learning and increase motivation. Successful language learners always use language strategies according to their needs and tasks (Chamot & Kupper, 1989). Ideally, cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies are used together by the learners. In many Asian countries, including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh students learn the vocabulary of the target language through memorization, preferring rote learning because of their culture. Similarly, females are more inclined to learn a second language than males and subsequently girls learn second languages faster than boys. Similarly, children learn languages faster than adults. Meanwhile those students who want to go abroad for higher studies or workers who want to work abroad are motivated to learn a second language very quickly. According to Cohen (1998), several factors including cultural background, educational experiences, language learning goals, motivation, age, and gender influence language learning strategies.