Mar 27, 2025
Mar 27, 2025
Today I read this cigarette news and I thought that I must share it with you and if possible, you can also share this cigarette news with people that you know are smokers and you would like them to give up smoking.
Cigarettes Produce Invisible Chemical Emissions Even After They've Been Extinguished
Cigarettes aren't just toxic when they're being smoked. Even when the butts are scrunched up and cold, new research has found that they continue to emit harmful compounds in the air.
It's estimated that more than five trillion butts are produced worldwide every year, and many of these don't get fully extinguished or thrown away properly, causing ground pollution as cigarette butts are not biodegradable.
If this news helps even one person to give up smoking, it's really worth sharing.....
Have a healthy 2020.