Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
The recent funniest thing that has happened to me is starting an You Tube Channel
No certainly I have not started this channel because I want my face (!!!) to become popular for two reasons one I have crossed that stage in my life and two I am now far from good looking though I think I was fairly okay looking when I was young. (Aha!!)
And money is the last thing I aspired because when I started I did not even know that so much of money is involved in this racket. And for me I have translation job which is enough for me and there are several people actually requesting me now to teach spoken English and Hindi and I am dodging. So monetization as they call in “YOU TUBE parlance” is ruled out.
Actually I started it with a single minded mission and I do not know whether I will achieve it because my mission is very big – that is popularize BJP in Tamil Nadu – a state which hates this party like poison though I cannot think of any logical reasons for it.
Generally I have this (I don’t whether it is good or bad) habit of getting deep into a subject once I start it and that is what I did after I posted my first videos wherein I expressed my political views. Being a woman everybody wants to start either beauty tips or cookery channels and those are not my areas or interests and mine are politics and cinema. So it is natural that I chose my domain Politics and you know my mission also.
When I just dived into it I was in for a shock – because there seems to be so much scam in this that it would put all our Tamil Nadu politicians to shame!!
Yes I am not joking.
Initially, people earned money “easily “ by posting videos on You Tube and after 2018 You Tube has tightened the noose, this I learnt during my research.
The You Tubers were getting money easily and advertisers were wondering why their product has not reached the target audience. So it is clear that You Tubers were not producing quality content.
So You Tube has brought out certain restrictions – to “monetize” your channel that is if you want ad revenue for your channel then you should get minimum 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch timing and an inter active comments box.
Now I understand why we use to have a single movie song – we have all seen it posted by an individual and at that time I never much cared for it. Now it is clear. That person was earning money out of it.
Since You Tube has said if you start a channel YOU must appear and YOUR VOICE must be there. That is you just can’t upload a movie song and earn money out of it. This is scam number one.
Next is when I just typed how to get 1K subscribers and 4000 watch time – oh my God there were hundreds and hundreds of videos in Tamil alone and everybody comes out with weird ideas and yes of course each one makes a promise that in the next 24 hours you will get 1K or even 2 K subscribers which would certainly not happen.
Another shocker was there are too many YOU TUBE subscriber Facebook pages – it is not there in Hindi or English but in Tamil there are more than dozens of this type of Facebook pages. And the people who call themselves as first time You Tubers are absolutely outrageous. I never expected it to be this substandard and this to me as a Tamilian shamed me to say the least.
When You Tube in its rules has clearly mandated “sub for sub” will not be accepted – it means you subscribe my channel I will subscribe yours and this is what this group does. When I saw the channels I was aghast and could not view it for a second leave alone minute. And the way the guys there haunted me to subscribe their channel really made my husband go out of his wits and he screamed at me and asked me to “unfollow” or block that page.
Primarily they produce rut in their channel and second they say “sub for sub”(this English they pick up) and when I said it is not acceptable they explained “you see it for one minute and just give like and then subscribe” – how crooked.
And the pinnacle is yet to come. One girl said that these guys make you subscribe and they first subscribe in return and after a while unsubscribe them so that the person’s channel does not grow. I was flabbergasted to say the least.
How I wish they could have used all this ingenuity in creating quality content in their channels instead of producing some crap which cannot be watched even for a second.
And what made me really angry was one guy was explaining how to use a particular software that is editing software and you will be shocked if I tell you this- he has cracked it and is ready to sell it to people who see his channel and he is tutoring how to use it. That is two offences in a single stroke – one software theft and to top it he is using another channel to popularize it and through that also he is making money. Is this not too much????
On the whole, what I understood was today’s youngsters in Tamil Nadu want to make easy money even if it means cheating others or conning. Of course there are how to increase subscribers You Tube in English and Hindi also but in my search I did not find any one suggesting anything illegal like this.
Well may be I missed it but in Tamil it is strewn all over.
Whether I make BJP popular in Tamil Nadu or not I am happy I learnt something about You Tube of which I had been an avid viewer since long.
No You Tube I will not cheat you irrespective of the facet whether I get 1K subscribers and 4000 minutes of watch time since I am not interested in easy money. Never.