
Coronavirus Quiz

Try this

There are 7 Questions on Coronavirus.

I got 7/7 - all correct.

And no, I didn't go googling for the answers.

I'm the newsperson of my family. I love reading all kinds of news and so my knowledge helped me crack this quiz.

I also shared this quiz with my husband and my children, they didn't score as well as me, but they found it interesting and it certainly did increase their awareness.

My daughter asked me to send it to her so that she could share it with her friends and sure I did, so that they could also learn new facts.

Leaving you now with these 2 Quotes from Tiny Buddha dot Com

This one is on Love. I not only like the saying, I love the way it is shown: the design, the colour, the font.

And this Quote on 'Okay' is so very motivating, though quite hard to achieve in life.

That's all my Blogging for now.

Take Care,
~ Aparna ~

More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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