Mar 27, 2025
Mar 27, 2025
Well, I came across another riveting read from the same author whose profile I shared in my previous Blog.
In this article, she enumerates the 5 Hard Truths About Being In A Traditional Marriage.
These are
1. Marriage is a Contract
2. Marriage has a Dark History
3. You need a lot more than Love to make a Marriage work
4. There isn't any 50/50 in Marriage or Love
5. Commitment is stronger and more important than Marriage
She informs us that
Divorce takes at least 3 to 10 times more time and money than the wedding. When women get divorced, they are knocked back professionally and financially for at least 4-6 years (whereas there is no long-term financial impact on men) and women carry the stigma of divorce both socially and professionally far more than men.
She also mentions a superb quote "We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry” and says that our society is determined to make sure that women are hungry — for love, acceptance, validation and security.
As for the 5 hard truths about being in a Traditional Marriage, you can click this link to read the article wherein she elaborates on all the 5 facts.