Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
I learned by heart the clarion call of Boy Scouts ’Be Prepared — Zing A Zing Bom Bom. Never bothered to know the meaning of Zing A Zing Bom Bom in Zulu. Lord Baden Powell initiated the movement in Zulu, Africa. We were told to remain prepared for any circumstances of life — in prosperity and in adversity. Same instruction we got during four days of field training in the Air Force — you may have to survive without food and water for days.
Larry King live was my favorite program when Larry was with CNN. Martha Stuart figured several times in the episodes. Once she was asked what she would do if she were thrown in the harsh Australian outback. "I'll survive" pat she replied. And she became my role model, though there is an ocean of difference between the two of us. She is a multi-billionaire and I'm a single thousandaire.
Yesterday was my testing time. I live alone, woke up late, had breakfast and then a haircut. I don't cook nor keep a cook to cook for me. My regular supplier of meals took off for eleven days. Three others refused to help me out. I was in a fix not knowing what to do. First time I resolved to cook for myself. The tap was dry, the filter was empty. So no bath, no food, no drinking water.
What to do now? I have bread, tomatoes and onions. Will have sandwiches I decide.
Suddenly a Eureka moment struck me. Why not go to the roadside vendors, patronised only by poorer class. I don’t have any status problems. The one I went to was around our own apartment complex. We have many open drains all around. Struck a deal for home delivery of meals till my original supplier resumes. My flat nose failed to detect any bad odour.
Ordered a plate of Rajma-chawal. Sat like a Lord by the side of the drain. Had my fill to heart's content..
It felt like a seven-star treat. I had a great day.