
Well, I didn't know this

Did you?

I always thought that Smoking can cause Lung Cancer

But here it says that Smoking can also cause Bladder Cancer

In this article Dr. Srinivas Vourganti informs us that

Smoking causes more than half of all cases of bladder cancer, and smokers are three times more likely to get bladder cancer than non-smokers.

Dr. Vourganti who's a urologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago says: "The same harmful chemicals you inhale when you smoke accumulate in your urine, and as the bladder holds urine, it is exposed to these toxins at a higher rate than other parts of the body."

Bladder cancer is the 6th most common form of cancer in the USA.
It's over three times more common in men than in women, and the risk increases with age.
9 in 10 bladder cancer patients are older than 55.

You can read rest of the details by clicking here

Quit smoking, your bladder will thank you

Please pass on this news to the smokers around you so that it makes them quit smoking and live a healthy life.


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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