Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Why Sun and Moon Live in the Sky
I’m old and invalid. The whole day I remain confined within the four walls of my room with my computer. I write blogs on a host of topics, listen to brainwave music, or read about how to grow old gracefully. One day for the sake of diversion I turned to exploring folktales of different continents of the world. The above-named story from Africa gripped my attention. After all, it’s a very informative story every man should know to keep his/her general knowledge up-to-date. Here I retell the story for your benefit for free.
Sun, with his wife, Moon used to live on the Earth with no problem. He used to maintain good social relations with all. He made several courtesy calls to Water. But Water never paid a return visit to Sun. One day, Sun politely reminded this to Water, who readily conceded to the allegation and promised to visit Sun on one condition: he should have a big compound to accommodate Water along with his numerous aquatic friends.
‘No problem’ Sun said.
On the appointed day Water entered Sun’s compound. Soon water level rose to knee-deep, making Water hesitant to proceed further or not.
At this Sun said, ‘Come in please’.
Water level continued rising gradually crossing waist, breast and neck belt. Water halted again for sun’s nod.
‘Go ahead’, Water signaled with hand.
When the head also came under water, Sun moved to the roof top and parched safely there. It didn’t take much time to get the roof also fully submerged.
Finding nowhere else to go, Sun with his wife Moon, fled to the Sky.
It’s the living proof that pre-primal time also was not free of displaced persons or refugees. But no wall was erected between the Sky and the Earth to prevent illegal immigration. They were permanently accommodated as naturalized citizens by the Sky-dwellers.
Ever since Sun and Moon were living in the Sky happily.
It’s not fake news.