
What is Namaste?

By Ed Viswanathan, author of “Am I A Hindu?” Amazing Secrets of the Bhagavad Gita & Amazing Secrets of Hinduism.


It is the popular Hindu greeting performed by pressing two hands together and holding them near the heart. The whole act communicates to the world


Namaste is derived from the Sanskrit language and is a combination of two words, "NamaαΈ₯" and "te". NamaαΈ₯ means 'bow', 'obeisance', 'reverential salutation' or 'adoration’, and te means 'to you.'


Namaste means, “You and I are one. I salute and worship the God within you which is indeed a mirror image of myself.”

“God in me greets the God in You.”


If you  do not believe soul  ( Atman) is immortal and ultimately God and Soul are one and the same, as Adi Sankara write in “Viveka Chudamani” , saying Namaste makes no sense at all.


I have not read in any scripture other than in eastern religious scriptures, where it is written Soul is immortal.  The belief that Soul or Atman is immortal is strictly the belief in the Eastern Religions.


The actual gesture of holding both hands together is known as Anjali Mudra. ..........


The word “Anjali” came from the root    Anj meaning "to honor or anoint".


Just like namasteπŸ™, Moksha or Mukti or salvation is based on the belief the soul within the body is immortal.


According to Hindu scriptures, Salvation is the process by which a person realizes that he/she is not the perishable body but the Atman-the immortal soul within.


That is the reason why Hindu Salvation is known as Self-Realization  or Moksha (means emancipation, liberation or release from the cycles of birth, death and rebirth).


Self - Realization  mean “realizing” one is “self” (immortal soul) – Atman and not the body.


Everything is quoted from the books 

1—Am I A Hindu? 
2—Amazing Secrets of the Bhagavad Gita                                                                                     3---Amazing Secrets of Hinduism.  



More By  :  Ed Viswanathan

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