Over the years, our food habits change.

Some foods we've liked in our younger years may not be our favourites in our older years.

Some foods we had more when we were young, we might have them less as we age.

Just like our perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions keep evolving thru our lifespan, so do our food habits that keep changing, though there may be some constants that remain with us throughout our life.

For instance, when I was young, I liked having various dishes made with paneer (Indian cottage cheese). I often had white tea (with milk and sugar). But over the years, my liking for paneer has waned. I cannot have it as often as I could in the past. Now I cannot drink milk (hot or cold) as it doesn't suit me anymore. It gives me nausea. These are the changes I've noticed. The constants being eggs and bony fish that were never my favourites and even now I don't like them. I prefer boneless fish and eggs I'll have only occasionally for their nutritional content.

Having white tea was once a part of my diurnal routine. Now I have black tea (without milk and sugar) once a day or once in many days. I'm not addicted to tea. Coffee was never my favourite beverage and so I can do without it.

I've always been a non-smoker and a teetotaller (no alcohol). In fact, we've never kept alcoholic drinks at home so that our children don't get tempted to have it. If guests come, we serve them non-alcoholic drinks. If we get gifted alcoholic products, we discard them and also tell people not to gift us alcohol. My husband is also a non-smoker though unlike me, he can't do without his morning tea and evening coffee and he prefers them white (with milk and sugar).

That's a lot of blogging for now.

Let me leave you with 2 teas that we enjoy having, see if you also like their taste.

Tetley Original Teabags


Twinings Assam Tea Bags


Between the 2 of them, I would say Twinings has a stronger flavour because while having Tetley tea, I can keep the teabag in the mug till my last sip of the tea but for Twinings, I need to remove the tea bag midway while having tea or it will get very bitter. Nevertheless, I and hubby like both the teas for their own unique flavour.

So for your next tea-time, you can try any of these teas, and I wish you Happy Sipping :-)


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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